Hotel Elephant Members Studio Tours
Hotel Elephant Members Studio Tours
Studio Tour with Xenia Busalova
"I collect plants and I dip them in liquid porcelain"
We visited Hotel Elephant member Xenia @farphoria at her studio to get an insight into her creative practice.
“FARPHORIA” originates from the merge of two words: “FARFOR” which translates as “PORCELAIN” and “EUPHORIA”. Xenia Busalova, the founder and creative force behind FARPHORIA, is renowned for her exceptional craftsmanship in crafting porcelain jewellery. With her dedication to capturing life's fleeting moments in wearable sculptures, Xenia has created a name synonymous with artistry and elegance.
Like there are no two identical elements in nature, each piece of FARPHORIA's porcelain jewellery is a unique wearable art and you will not see the same piece anywhere.