5 Ways To Create A Productive Work Environment

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Having a positive work environment can have a huge impact on your productivity, motivation and even your mental health. Sometime we need a boost to refresh the way we work, here are 5 simple ways you can refresh your working environment to improve your productivity!

Download our free daily planner in the link bellow.

Download our free daily planner in the link bellow.

1. Construct a comfortable work environment

A comfortable work enviroment can be key to allowing you to function at your best. Simple adjustments such as making sure your computer screen is the right height, and switching from a general chair to a proper office chair will ensure you won’t be distracted by back or neck pain. Other changes such as temperature and lighting can often be overlooked, but can contribute significantly to making your work space more enjoyable.

2. Know when to take a break

It’s easy to get caught up in a task or a project and get stuck in a rut. Sometimes the most effective way to solve problems is to give yourself a break from them. Taking a walk, or a quick coffee break to remove yourself from your work enviroment can help you return to a task with fresh eyes and renewed motivation.

3. Set yourself goals

One of the best ways to improve your productivity is to set yourself clear and defined goals for the week, day or even hour. Splitting up larger tasks into smaller more manageable ones can help you stay focused, whilst not becoming intimidated by the bigger picture.


4. Reduce distractions

Distractions can be very disruptive in your work enviroment, this may include noise, your phone or even another person. Identifying the thing that distracts you can be half the battle, if its noise then try moving your workspace to somewhere quieter, or choosing some music which helps you focus. Maybe it’s leaving your phone in another room or simple putting it in a draw. A distraction list can also be a useful way to keep you focused, this entails making a list of things you think of doing instead of working, you can then save the list till after work or during a break. Removing these distractions can help to make a more focused enviroment.

5. define your work enviroment

Making sure you have a dedicated work environment is an issue which many encounter when working from home. Defining a space, however small, which you only use for working can help facilitate a productive mindset and ideally this space should be separate from your relaxation space. Defining this space whether inside or outside your home will help keep you focused and productive. It can also play an important role at allowing you to switch off at the end of the day and gain a good work / life balance.

Download our free Hotel Elephant daily planner to help you set goals and plan your day for a more productive work enviroment.

If you are interested in a desk space then you can book a desk pass or a tour of our desk spaces (virtual or in person), our team will be happy to help you decide which space best suits your needs


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