Hotel Elephant Workspace

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Member Profile - David Horgan

David Horgan is a Peckham based artist and illustrator interested in pattern, line, stories and animals. He developed his love of drawing whilst training as an architect in Manchester. Now, with architecture taking up less of his time, he is turning more towards drawing, using pen and ink and playing his guitar.

© David Horgan

Between now and when you were studying, have you more or less followed the path that you imagined for yourself, or wandered more dramatically from it?

I've wandered quite dramatically... I originally trained as an architect (for 7 years) and never really envisaged being an artist, although it was always what I wanted to do.

Where do you see, or hope, your work might be leading you to in the future?

I'm gearing up to commit myself more to my work and imagine my work will become larger format and more focused on incidental moments, being more of a catalogue and account of my experiences. I will be painting more and will continue to screen print.

The Handmaids Tale © David Horgan

Does London feature into your work?

Currently not, but as per above, I sense it will do more so in the future.

And how does Hotel Elephant work for you?

It works well for me in terms of logistics and economics and I enjoy the energy of the area which seems to be evolving at quite a rapid rate.

David in his studio at Hotel Elephant © Hotel Elephant

Do you, or does your work, have a socially engaged aspect or a greater cause that you hope it is contributing to? 

I feel the more my work is focused on the every day, the more it can be interpreted by the viewer and therefore contribute in a way to their experience of those subjects.

A Peckham Romance © David Horgan

Do you have a piece of daily advice?

 Take a cold shower every morning.

And a more inspiring one?

There's never a right time to take action.

See more of David’s work on his website:

On Instagram: @davidhorganart